Imagens do primeiro Navio Tanque de Produtos classe IMO II Max, de bandeira Inglesa "Stena Impression" suspendendo de Santos, após operações de carga e descarga, na tarde do dia 16/08/2015, em sua primeira escala em Santos.
A embarcação pertencente ao armador Stena Weco A/S, Rungsted Kyst, Dinamarca ((Stena AB, Gothenburg, Suécia), atracou no cais do terminal da Alemoa 4 na tarde do dia 13.
Procedente de Rio Grande/RS, para descarga de cerca de 5.090 t. e embarque de cerca de 8.000 t. de derivados de petróleo, e suspendeu na tarde do dia 16/08, com destino a Houston /TX, EUA.
De casco duplo, 49.776 dwt, 228,60 m de comprimento, 32,26 m de boca, 18,20 m de pontal, 12,90 m de calado máximo carregado (Marca de verão - SSW). 18 tanques laterais de carga de Epoxy Phen
Sobre a classe IMO II Max:
The IMOIIMAX is an important step in our common pursuit to create a more sustainable shipping concept combined with a flexible design to offer our customers better business solutions at competitive freight. The IMOIIMAX is designed to carry IMO 2 and 3 cargoes as well as clean and dirty products. The vessels are all equipped with eighteen cargo tanks of max 3,000 m³ capacity as well as a nitrogen based inert gas system.
Fully Optimized Design
Stena Teknik have together with Guangzhou Shipyard in China succeeded after extensive development and towing tank tests obtained a design that is probably the most energy efficient Eco MR Tanker existing today. Completely new and revolutionary hull lines together with specially designed propeller, rudders, engines, exhaust gas energy recovery and onboard systems will reduce the overall energy consumption to a minimum.
Latest Main Engine Design
The MAN6S50ME-B9.3 type main engine is the latest version with higher fuel efficiency at part load operation compared to earlier versions. IMOIIMAX is optimized to perform well over a range of both loading conditions and speeds. The low load optimization of the main engine including a Exhaust Gas By-pass contributes to an overall excellent performance. With an auto-tuning system the combustion process in each cylinder is continuously automatically controlled for optimal engine performance in all conditions.
Normally auxiliary engines are fuel optimized for high load operation rather than part load operation. Part load operations are becoming a higher percentage of normal operations. For IMOIIMAX, the new auxiliary engines have been part load optimized improving the overall performance and reducing fuel consumption.
Bridge & Performance System
The vessel has an integrated bridge systems that allows access of all essential navigation information from the centralized workstations. System components include 2 radars, 3 ECDIS, conning display, 2 gyro compass, auto pilot, 2 DGPS, Navtex, speed log, AIS and echo sounder.
IMOIIMAX is equipped with a ship performance system for better and efficient onboard control of the systems resulting in energy savings and reducing the environmental footprint of the vessel.
Two oil fired boilers provide for flexibility and redundancy which is of particular advantage when carrying heated cargoes. In many instances only part steam heating capacity is required. In such cases, both boilers can be run efficiently instead of having only one big boiler operating at non-preferable conditions.
The vessel is also equipped with an exhaust gas multi-inlet composite boiler as one of the very first installations. This boiler not only recovers energy from the main engine’s exhaust gas but also recovers the exhaust gas energy from two of the auxiliary engines. In addition the boiler has an oil fired section providing for an adapted steam production to suit the vessel’s domestic steam demand without the need to run the bigger oil fired boilers.
Precious Cargo
Thanks to the eighteen cargo tanks arrangement no single tank is larger than 3,000 m3. Consequently, the IMOIIMAX can load a full IMO 2 cargo in each tank. High performing well proven cargo tank coating ensure the Charterer will have full flexibility to carry an extensive spectrum of products and chemicals at desired temperatures.
Instead of simpler coated mild steel piping with flanged couplings the cargo piping on IMOIIMAX is of stainless steel in order to comply with FOSFA recommendations and the chemical trade. The deep well hydraulic FRAMO cargo pump system provides full flexibility so that all cargo pumps can be run and controlled individually, at the same time. Consequently, a high cargo discharge capacity is offered together with a high degree of flexibility of cargo circulation.
Unidades da classe:
Nitrogen Inert Gas System & Tank Cleaning
Clean Nitrogen instead of traditional inert flue gas will decrease the time between discharge and loading due to faster tank cleaning. No need of portable nitrogen bottles for purging and/or cargo tank padding. From a fuel efficiency point of view inert gas generation by means of a nitrogen generator is also more fuel efficient compared to a traditional inert gas generator.
The tank cleaning system provides for four tanks to be washed simultaneously with heated as well as cold sea and fresh water. Fulfilling Lloyd’s Register voluntary class notation Effective Tank Cleaning, there has been an arrangement of the tank cleaning machines to minimize the shadow areas which maximizes efficient tank cleaning operations in turn minimizing the time between discharge and loading.
Características de Registro:
- Nome: Stena Impression
- IMO: 967461
- Bandeira: Inglaterra
- Indicativo de Chamada: 2IDH5
- Porto de Registro: London
Merchant Red Ensign
Fotos: Marcelo ‘MO’ Lopes - 15/08/2015 -
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